Dr. Katherine Teets Grimm


Dr. Grimm has been involved in the field of child protection since the mid-1970s and has been the Medical Director of NYCC since January 1997, following a long career as a full-time faculty member at the Mount Sinai Medical Center. She was the Director of the Mount Sinai Pediatric Emergency Room for 20 years. She is a founding member of child protection committees for the New York City Department of Education, and serves on numerous citywide child abuse task forces and committees. Dr. Grimm has created an innovative elective for medical students and residents at NYCC. The Identification and Treatment of Child Abuse course includes multiple site visits throughout the City to child protection agencies such as Family Court, the District Attorney’s Office and the New York Police Department Special Victims Squad. Over 100 medical students and residents participate in the training each year. These important training programs educate future doctors about the specialized field of diagnosis and interdisciplinary approach to treating child abuse.

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