Mark O’Connell, LCSW-R, MFA

Pearl of Wisdom (Favorite Quote):

“Our everyday self is a narrow construct… Our total self is far broader, ultimately infinite.”

- Richard Hornby

Mark O’Connell, LCSW-R, MFA, is a psychotherapist in New York City, and a trained professional actor. He’s the author of the books The Performing Art of Therapy: Acting Insights and Techniques for Clinicians, and Modern Brides & Modern Grooms: A Guide to Planning Straight, Gay and Other Nontraditional Twenty-First Century Weddings, and has been published in clinical journals, including Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, and popular sources, such as Psychology Today, Psychotherapy Networker and The Huffington Post. For more information about Mark’s psychotherapy practice visit: For more information about Mark’s workshops on therapy as a performing art visit:

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