Megan Montgomery, LMSW, LICSW

Pearl of Wisdom (Favorite Quote):

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

-Viktor E. Frankl

Megan Montgomery, LMSW, LICSW works with families who are considering or have chosen adoption as a path to parenthood. Prior to entering the field of Adoption, Megan worked with children and families facing social emotional disorders and behavioral challenges.

Megan has been fortunate to present at conferences such as the Adoption Initiative at St. John’s University, NACAC, AFFCNY and NCFA as well as author a number of blog posts and articles featured by well-known adoption related organizations and magazines. Her volunteer work includes working to provide humanitarian aid to children living outside of family care.

Find Megan's next presentation by VIEWING THE SCHEDULE HERE and looking for the Wisdom Studio Symbol!