Nicole DelPrete, LMSW

Pearl of Wisdom (Favorite Quote): "Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." - Helen Keller

Nicole DelPrete, LMSW, is the Division Director of Support Services at Person Centered Care Services (PCCS), an organization dedicated to supporting people with developmental disabilities. She oversees a variety of different programs including but not limited to in-home, community, residential, and employment supports. Nicole utilizes the person centered approach while working with people as she finds it important to meet the unique needs of each person. Nicole is dedicated to social change, specifically within her community. She is determined to eliminate the social barriers which limit people with disabilities. Nicole has a specific concentration on disability studies and macro practice. Nicole’s macro background also includes work in developing policies, advocating, ethical standards, community outreach, facilitating a variety of different trainings, and supervision.

Nicole serves as co-host and moderator for multiple webinars.

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