Sarah Gugluizza, LCSW

Pearls of Wisdom (Favorite Quotes):

"And though she be but little she is fierce" - Shakespeare

"Be Kind whenever possible It is always possible" - Dalai Lama

"Listen to the MUSTN'TS child

Listen to the DONTS

Listen to the SHOULDNT'S


Listen to the NEVER HAVES

Then listen close to me -

Anything can happen, child,

ANYTHING can be "

- Shel Silverstein

Sarah Gugluizza, LCSW is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker providing mental health treatment in a private practice setting that is collaborative, supportive and personalized to each client. She received her Masters Degree (MSW) from New York University and has been working clinically with children and adults ever since graduating in 2008. She has spent her career working in many clinically diverse settings, which have given her a wealth of experience toward providing treatment to children, adolescents and their families in psychoeducational, psychiatric, and behavioral capacities. Sarah has run two clinics at Coney Island Hospital’s School-Based Mental Health Program; served as social worker for the In-Patient Pediatric Psychiatric Unit at Elmhurst Hospital Center; was a primary therapist in the Intensive Day Treatment Program at New York City Children’s Center and most recently was an Early Childhood Social Worker in the Division of Early Childhood of the New York City Department of Education. Sarah is certified as a Child and Family Therapist from NYU School of Social Work. Her clients have presented with emerging and persistent mental illness, histories of severe trauma, neurodevelopmental delays, learning disabilities, spectrum disorders, behavioral issues, substance abuse issues, and LGBTQ concerns. She has run many groups for children including social skill building, anger management, storytelling, ADHD, and teen support. She also works with parents to support them and their child through their areas of concern, challenging issues and to build and enhance their parent toolbox.You can learn more about her practice and services by visiting

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