Tim Victorella, LMSW

Tim Victorella, LMSW is a passionate Speaker and leading Authority on Crisis Intervention, Critical Response, and Conflict Resolution. Tim specializes in deep comprehension of informative narrative response, extensive evaluation, actionable building blocks toward manifesting safety within a crisis, and informative protocol and proper implementation to best support Individuals, Leaders in Business, Health Organizations, Police/Fire and Rescue and Emergency Management Teams. Tim reveals the key aspects to success utilizing the right support, resources, and tools to compartmentalize and implement these functions toward efficient and professional guidance to achieve high level outcomes and safe informative care during the most critical moments of people’s lives.

Tim has dedicated his life and career to catapulting people’s lives toward safe passage with a highly effective process to better aid humanity, particularly now in these challenging times ahead. He prides himself on taking a demonstrative look behind the scenes and debunking the myths in trauma informed care and explains stigmatism and its effect worldwide. Tim is enthusiastic, animated, and a transformative speaker who will alleviate apprehensions. Prepare to embrace a new level of confidence and be open to grasp the new reality that transformation is a manageable outcome.

Tim’s career extends back to his early years in Emergency Response out in the field within the community. He has worked in Emergency Medicine in Level One Trauma Facilities, Community Crisis Teams, State Mental Health Hospitals, and Psychiatric Stabilization Units and is currently involved in completing mental health evaluations with a Psychiatric Crisis Triage Unit and being on location to handle Mental Health crisis calls in the greater Providence region in Rhode Island.

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